Assessment Booking


By signing up and writing your test, exam, or quiz in a designated SAAC exam room you, you are agreeing to the following:


        You confirm that you do not have on you or in your possession any of the following while in the exam room or using the washroom: Unauthorized notes, course materials, cheat sheets, cell phone and/or any other electronic or smart devices. You understand that if found on you, your exam will be taken away and your teacher and Dean will be advised.


        You understand that if using the computer for a test, it is forbidden to use the internet unless required for your test in which case you can only access the authorized website(s). If you open, use, or attempt to use any other website or page, your exam will be taken away and your teacher and Dean will be advised.


        You understand that if using the computer for a test, you can only use the authorized software or program needed for your test. If you use or attempt to use any other software or program, your exam will be taken away and your teacher and Dean will be advised.


        You will not engage or communicate with other students once you’re inside the exam room. If you do, your exam will be taken away and your teacher and Dean will be advised.


        You are responsible for saving your work on the computer, often, as per the instructions indicated at your workstation, and that failure to do so may result in the loss of your work.


        You are responsible for asking to see your teacher during class time. You understand that if class is finished, you may not be able to ask your questions.


        You are responsible for pacing yourself and monitoring how much time you have left to finish your exam.


        You will hand in your exam and all other documents or material once your end time has been reached and/or when asked by a SAAC staff member.






·         Arrive at least 10 to 15 minutes before your scheduled start time to allow for delays in processing. If there are delays due to processing, we will adjust your time.

·         If you arrive after your scheduled start time you will lose that time and if you arrive more than 30 minutes after your class has begun, you will be marked as a no-show and may need to seek your teacher’s permission to write the test.




·         Leave all your belongings in your locker or in the cubbies in room 2E.6 (unless your exam ends after 5:00 p.m.)

·         Turn off your cell phone and any other electronic device and put them away in your bag.

·         Check your pockets for notes and put them away in your bag or leave them in the cubbies in room 2E.6

·         Go to the washroom before coming in to write your test.




        Cell phones and/or all other electronic devices - If found on you, whether you used it or not, it will be considered as cheating and your exam will be taken away and your teacher will be advised.

        Unauthorized materials, notes, or aids (unless authorized by your teacher) - If found on you, whether you used it or not, it will be considered as cheating and your exam will be taken away and your teacher will be advised.

        Pencil cases

        Coats, jackets, or winter scarves

        Food or drinks – only water is permitted

        Using the Internet (unless authorized) - Any attempt at opening it will be considered cheating and your exam will be taken away and your teacher will be advised.

        Talking and communicating with other students inside the exam room

        Leaving without informing the invigilator